
Council Considers Attendance Rule Revision Tonight

On the basis of straw votes taken at last week's meeting, the Student Council will probably support a change in the attendance record rules when it meets tonight.

If the Council votes, the result will go to Dean Leighton, who will in turn present it, with his recommendations, to the Administrative Board and finally to the Faculty on the 21st of October.

In last week's voting the Council members were uniformly in favor of all five projected changes; that no attendance records be kept for sophomores, passed 7-3-1; that sophomores and freshmen be segregated with respect to their class group, passed 7-3-1; that sophomores on probation be assigned seats, with the assignments posted in public, passed 5-2-4.

The Council passed the last two proposals almost without objection. First, that sophomores on probation be assigned seats, with the assignments unposted, but communicated privately to the students concerned, passed 8-0-3, and that it be the responsibility of the students concerned to see that their medical excuses are signed by their instructors, passed 9-1-1.

The Administrative Board is currently considering change of the rules, with particular emphasis to cutting down the paperwork of attendance logs in freshman classes. The attendance records problem is heightened this year by the decentralization of the Dean's Office
