
Team Commences Scrimmaging for Dartmouth Game

It was bitter cold in the practice enclosure yesterday, but that was about the only thing unusual as the varsity football team began preparations for the Dartmouth game.

Starting wingback John Ederer, victim of a "bump" in the Colgate victory, exercised along the sidelines without pads, as did long-time invalid end Hank Rate. Ederer will almost surely be able to play Saturday, but Rate--out since the Springfield game--does not figure to see much action against the Indians.

Dummy-Type Scrimmage

Most of yesterday's workout was devoted to dummy-type offensive scrimmage against J.V. opponents. And, despite the cold, the varsity spent much time on passing drills.

Simultaneously, the defensive backfield and ends caught their first look at the passing patterns which Dartmouth will use. Another J.V. outfit sent Indian aerials at the Crimson's pass defense alignment.
