
Eliot House Rooms To Be Redecorated

Every room in Eliot House will be redecorated and repainted some time this winter, James C. Deveney, Assistant Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, said last night.

Deveney, however, denied that the Eliot job is part of a master repainting plan for the Houses. About half of the rooms in Claverly and a few entries in Dunster were done last year. He added that in addition to students' apartments, some other rooms may be done, but said he has no definite idea of which those will be.

The painting will go on while the College is in session. Deveney said his men will try to do as much as possible during the vacations, but added that the paint, except for discomfort, leaves no physical ill-effects.

The Department of Buildings and Grounds has just finished an inside-outside job on University Hall.
