
H.L.U. Reverses 1950 Position on Dever, Kennedy

The Liberal Union will not support Gov. Dever for reelection this fall. In a four-hour session last night, the group decided to reverse its 1948 and 1950 endorsements of Dever and take no part in the gubernatorial race.

The group voiced unanimous support of the Democratic national ticket of Adlai E. Stevenson and John Sparkman, but backers of Senator Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. succeeded in blocking endorsement of Congressman John F. Kennedy in the Massachusetts Senate contest.

No endorsement was made for Senator, according to Lodge backer Paul M. Levine '54, because "the extremely close vote against the endorsement of Lodge ruled out the possibility of any unified support for either of the candidates."

The Massachusetts chapter of Americans for Democratic Action, the Liberal Union's parent organization, is backing Kennedy. It has also refused to endorse Dever.

Dever Veto Antagonizes H.L.U.


Dever has been held in generally low esteem by many Liberal Union members since last October when he secretly signed the McCarthy Dorgan anti-subversive bill on the very day that the Liberal Union had sent him a petition urging veto. The petition was signed by 1000 students. The large amount of sentiment for Senator Lodge was unexpected in view of the group's endorsement of Kennedy for Congress two years ago.

The Stevenson-Sparkman ticket drew praise as "a great liberal team" which would "protect the great social gains of recent years and insure new progress."

Other candidates for state officer who received endorsement were Oan H. Fann '44, a former assistant Dean who is running for the state legislature: Foster Furcolo, Democratic candidate for state treasurer: Mario Umana of East Boston for State Senator and Representative James E o'Pea Jr. of Lowell for State Representative
