
HLU Signs Follow President's Train

Dogging the Truman campaign special from Haverhill to Malden yesterday were five H.L.U.'ers with a "Harvard's for Harry" sign.

They were Anthony C. Beilenson, George Driesen, Frank Goodman, Martin Klein, and Paul Levine--all juniors. Besides the "Harry" sign, they carried placards with some of their reasons for disclaiming Ike--their predictions of his cabinet.

These were the same signs used by demonstrators against Senator Taft at his address on the Cambridge Common last spring.

Printed on them are: "Joe McCarthy for Attorney General," "Fred Hartley for Secretary of Labor," "Chaing Kai-Shek for Secretary of State," "John Bricker for Secretary of Commerce."

Since there was one more sign than H.L.U.'er, they persuaded a small boy at Haverhill to carry it.
