
Colgate-English Glossary

Sociologists say people who live in a close-knit group develop habits and mannerisms a bit strange to the rest of the world. A good example is the unique vocabulary of a Colgate man. So that you may be able to converse intelligently at parties after the game, there follows a short glossary of Colgatisms, with corresponding English definitions: You're out of it  You are a social dud You've had it  You're drunk You've gotton the green banana  Your data called up and broke the data Three-dollar bills  People who are "out of it" Sack rat  A person who likes to sleep Tunk  An all-male jolly-up To bomb  To study Smooth up  Put on decent-looking clothes The 'Case  Syracuse, N.Y. site of a bloody and traditional football game Plush courses  Gut courses Ace  Good fraternity prospect
