
Band to Perform Pre-game Concert For 'Green' Test

Women will finally get their chance to lead the Band, student conductor Peter Strauss '54 announced last night.

As a special attraction at the Band's Friday evening Dartmouth concert, dates of men attending will be selected to conduct the group in a contest aimed at getting audience participation.

Rehearsals are under way for the Concert, the second in an annual Dartmouth series, scheduled to be held at 8:15 p.m. on Friday, October 24, in Sanders Theatre.

The program, which will be split up in two sections, will be conducted by Malcolm Holmes '28. Concert co-chairmen are Robert Sumner '55 and Allan Chandler '55.

A "review" of the football season and some popular marches will make up the first half of the program. The Band will play Springfield, Columbia, and Washington medleys, in addition to a new Colgate medley arranged by John A. Finnegan '47. The other medleys were arranged by Finnegan and Leroy Anderson '29.


A combination of concert band music and a preview of the Dartmouth game arrangements will highlight the second section of the program. Among the pieces to be played is Anderson's popular "Sleigh Ride."
