
French Case Held Up; Pacifist Talks Tonight

District Attorney George E. Thompson postponed the hearing of Edward A. French '54, scheduled for 10 a.m. today, until Friday.

The delay removes the possibility that French, if indicted, would not be allowed, by University ruling, to speak before an open meeting tonight. French is scheduled to speak at 7:30 p.m. in Sever 11. His topic will be; "What I Am Doing Here and Why."

The hearing was delayed pending the Oregon District Attorney's decision to permit French to have his case heard here. French thinks it likely, however, that permission will not be granted and the case will be recalled to Oregon. In that event he will have three days in which to return home for the hearing, accompanied by a Marshall.

A telephone call by French's relatives to the Oregon District Attorney's office gave French warning of the impending recall.
