
Schlesinger Accuses Mundt Of 'Lying'; Praises Appeal

Senator Karl Mundt (R-S.D.) has told "another Republican lie in a desperate attempt to stem Democratic gains," Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. '39, associate professor of History, yesterday charged in a telephone interview with the CRIMSON.

Schlesinger made the "lie" accusation in answer to recent statements by Mundt accusing him and the three other College professors involved in the "Civil Liberties Appeal" of being "associated with Communist fronts."

Mundt charged that Archibald MacLeish, Boylston Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory, Mark A. DeWolfe Howe '28, professor of Law, and Arthur M. Schlesinger, Sr., Henry Lee Higginson Professor of History, and Schlesinger, Jr. were all listed by the House Un-American Activities Committee as having been associated with the Red fronts.

"Clear Record"

The younger Schlesinger vehemently denied that his name appeared anywhere in the House un-American activities lists of Communist front members. "My record is clear of any Communist front association," Schlesinger stated, "and there is no grounds for these attacks."


At the same time, the Stevenson aide expressed complete approval of the Civil Liberties Appeal. "Anything that can be done to defeat Senators McCarthy and Jenner should be done. I have confidence that the Appeal will result in constructive gains."

Meanwhile, the Directors of the Civil Liberties Appeal indicated yesterday that contributions to be used against Jenner and McCarthy were still being received in sizable numbers.
