Although Cambridge, Mass., is one of the nation's cultural capitals, there is nothing quite like leaving the local scene after exams and Gotig Somplace.
Going Someplace at this time of year has a strictly limited circle of meaning for the Harvard man: one can Go Skiing or Take a Little Trip Down to New York. Since New York offers a various array of amusement opportunities, some sort of guide is needed.
Forthwith a guide:
Departures from the college routine often have as their focal point a meal with real plates and real food. For those who like their beer heavy and their food solid LUCHOW's way down on 14th Street has long been a favorite. Also far downtown is the SEAFARE, where the specialty of the house is, of all things, seafood. In the same vicinity is LE CHAMPIGNON, which serves excellent French and Italian food at excellent prices.
JOE KING's RATHSKELLER has the unique power to draw collegians from all parts of the East. Combinations of food, drink, and entertainment are offered in various proportions at the NUMBER ONE BAR, CERRUTI's the COQ ROUGE, and THE OLD KNICK. The COTILLION ROOM at the Pierre and the CARNAVAL ROOM at the Sherry-Netherlands are two top hotel night spots. The price range is a bit easier at the CAFE 68 of the Park Chambers.
Wild Bill Davison along with Edmond Hall and Gene Schroeder lead in the Dixieland group at EDDIE CONDON's. Jimmy Archey's band with Pops Foster on bass is the main attraction at JIMMY RYAN's.
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