F. Skiddy von Stade '38 will succeed Delmar Leighton '19 as Dean of Freshmen on July 1, Provost Buck announced yesterday. He thus confirmed a CRIMSON story printed early last month.
The appointment is in effect the last step in the recently-begun reorganization and decentralization of the Dean's Office. Previously, Leighton was named Dean of Students, a new position replacing that of the Dean of the College.
This last office will cease to exist when Dean Bender replaces Richard M. Gummere '04 as Dean of Admissions and Scholarships, following the latter's retirement.
Von Stade, who is serving this year as acting master of Kirkland House, has been Director of Scholarships since 1946. He graduated from St. Paul's in 1934 and from the College in 1938. He taught at St. Paul's and did graduate work at the University of North Carolina before returning here in 1940 as assistant dean.
During the war, von Stade was an officer in Naval intelligence, and afterwards took charge of the Scholarship Office here. His successor as Director of assistants, David D. Henry '41 and Francis Parkman, Jr. '45, seem to be the logical contenders for the job, but there has not as yet been any word on the matter from University Hall. Bender's new job as Dean of Admissions will include many of von Stade's former duties.
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