
Bring Back the Bulbs

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

In your January seventh issue, you state that "students should be able to see better than ever" with the new fluorescent lamps that have been installed at tremendous cost in Widener Library. Besides being a general nuisance, these new light 1) irritate the eyes. 2) hum. 3) flicker. It is this combination that leads me to ask who wanted these lights put in. Supposedly, they were put in for our benefit. Now let's see them taken out again, at least from the small reading rooms of Widener's main hall. Then students who prefer direct lighting may once more study there. But as it stands now, I see no reason for wearing bifocals just because Mr. Metcalf prefers fiuorescent lamps. Yorick Blumenfeid '54
