
His Kind of Woman

at the R.K.O. Keith

"His Kind of Woman" starts out as That Kind of Picture. The kind in which Robert Mitchum says to Jane Russell, "I'm a gambler, honey," and she answers, releasing part of her bathing suit, "Oh yeah, well I play for pretty high stakes."

It's got a poker game in which a man draws four aces, and a scene on board a boat in which a mad doctor is about to inject Mitchum with some memory-killing serum. It's got a murdered government agent and a torch song by the heroine. It's got all these ingredients and something more.

Vincent Price is that something more. Released from his years as the Mysterious Stranger, Price plays a blood-and-guts movie hero who takes himself seriously off-stage. Complete with a flowing cape, several long rifles, and a Shakespearean vocabulary, Price hams his way through the last half of the picture, providing some of the funniest movie scenes within recent memory.
