
President Visits Australia, Hawaii

President and Mrs. Conant spent most of the summer traveling in the Pacific, visiting Hawaii, Australia, and New Zealand.

Leaving Cambridge in the second week of July, Conant started his two-month trip with an alumni meeting during his two-day stopover-in Hawaii. The only trouble Conant ran into was in San Francisco where he discovered he lacked all necessary passports for his long trip.

The Conants spent about ten days in Sydney, Australia, before going to Canberra on July 25 for the Jubilee Seminar of the Australian National University, held in connection with the 50th anniversary celebration of the founding of the Commonwealth of Australia.

On page ten there appear excerpts from the address President Conant made to the American Chemical Society shortly after his return to America.

From Canberra the Conants went to Melbourne and from there to 'Adelaide. In the middle of August they reached Auckland. New Zealand and headed back to the United States at the end of the month.
