Despite the oil dispute with Great Britain. Iran will not turn against the West in favor of Russia. Richard N. Frye assistant professor of Middle Eastern Studies, claimed in a new book published yesterday.
Frye believes the United States should increase military aid to Iran and should urge "the immediate formation of a military pact between Turkey, Iran, and the Arab states, under Anglo-American leadership."
Iran is anti-Communist, he writes, but until it is strengthened militarily, it "has no choice but to get along with the Russians. Russia is near and America is far away."
Frye also suggests in his book. "The United States and Turkey and Iran," that the U.S. should support a positive social and economic reform in Iran. Lewis V. Thomas, an expert on Turkey at Princeton is co-author.
The Frye Thomas book is another in the United States Foreign Policy series that the University Press has been publishing.
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