
A. P. Stone Quits Cambridge Court

Judge Arthur P. Stone '93 retired Tuesday from the Third District Court of Middlesex where he has been presiding justice for 30 years. Thousands of Harvard students have paraded before him to answer for offenses ranging from overtime parking to check forging and distribution of obscene literature.

Judge Stone, 81 years old, disposed of his final case at noon in the main court-room at Third and Spring Streets, Cambridge.

His most famous recent case connected with the University was the banning of the late October, 1950, Lampoon parody, "The Pontoon." He called the publication "filthy, Obscene, and Licentious," but refused "to take any action in this court." He turned the case over to the district attorney. The 'Poon finally pleaded guilty in mid-December to a charge of "selling and distributing obscene pamphlets," and paid a $100 fine.
