
Figures Disclose Foreign Student Population High

Forty-six foreign countries are represented in the Summer School with a total of 191 students enrolled, the office of the counselor for foreign students disclosed yesterday. Of this group, 131 are registered in the summer session alone.

They have come from every continent, including the European iron curtain countries. Leading the list are those from Canada, with 35, five of them regular year-round Harvard students.

Next largest total comes from China, with 26 in all, followed by nineteen from Germany. Israel, France, and England follow in that order.

Three have come from battle-torn Korea, and one each from Latvia, and Lithuania. Other nations with just one representative are British Guiana, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraqu, Malaya, New Zealand, Turkey, and Venezuala.

Besides China, Malaya, New Zealand, and Korea, the Pacific nations include Japan, the Philippines, Siam, and Vietnam.
