Summer students can hear a full recording this afternoon of the lecture on poetry and drama given by T. S. Eliot '10 (above) last November 21 before a crowd which overflowed both Sanders Theatre and Memorial Hall. The recording will be played in the Lamont Forum Room from 1:30 to 2:45 p.m.
Next week's session will have the American Theatre Guild of the Air recording of "Hamlet" with John Gielgud and Pamela Brown.
Eliot's lecture was the first in the Theodore Spencer Memorial Series. The poet traced the journal of his explorations in dramatic poetry. He said his ideal was poetry which intensifies rather than interrupts the dramatic situation--achieved by the fusion of drama and poetry into a form which approaches music.
Eliot discussed his own latest play, "The Cocktail Party," and analyzed Shakespeare's success in poetic drama.
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