
Ex-Crimson Back Takes Coaching Assignment for Brandeis Eleven

Hal Moffie, swift Crimson football star of two years ago, has been appointed backfield coach of the Brandeis University eleven, it was learned yesterday.

The last outstandingly fast man in a Harvard backfield, Moffie has been named an assistant to Brandeis head coach Bennie Friedman, former Michigan All-American. Since his graduation in 1950 he has coached football at Reading (Mass.) High and is currently studying engineering at Tufts.

Moffie brought an All-Scholastic Back rating out of Brookline High and into Harvard in 1946. His varsity football career, however, was shadowed by injuries in all three seasons, the first under Dick Harlow and the last two under Art Valpey. He reached his peak in the Yale game of 1948, the contest in which he broke from scrimage on Harvard's first play for an 80-yard touchdown run.

Moffie was one of a number of first-string players injured in the opening game against Stanford in 1949.
