
Charges of Reds In NSA Are False, Houghteling Says

Frederic D. Houghteling '50 former Executive Secretary and Treasurer of the N. S. A. yesterday denied charges that the N. S. A. is run by or influenced by Communists.

Houghteling said further that at no time in N. S. A.'s history has this been true. He cited the large number of Catholic schools affiliated with N. S. A. as one reason the charge is ridiculous. About one third of the schols in the Association are Catholic.

He also explained that it was the Travel Department of the N. S. A. which incurred a deficit of several thousand dollars last year, not the whole organization. The principle cause of the deficit, Houghteling said, was the miscarriage of some of the travel plans, but poor work of the Department's bookkeeper was also to blame.

Houghteling said he endorsed the proposition that the Association consult professional auditors more frequently. Harvard's delegation to the the N. S. A. national conference in August has announced that it will suggest this remedy.
