
Varsity Club Will Set Up Groups to Recruit Athletes

The Varsity Club is now conducting elections for new 14-man regional committees whose job will be attracting better athletes to the College. It also announced yesterday, in a letter to its graduate members from president Alexander H. Bright '19 that Eric Cutler '40, former captain of the swimming team, has been named Executive Secretary of the Club to work up graduate and student interest "in rebuilding Harvard's athletic fortunes."

The letter reports the sentiment of some Varsity Club members that Harvard has "too many mentally over-stimulated introverts and pinkish weaklings and too few good football players and all around he-men." It deplores the fact that among the 120 National Scholars in the present senior, junior, and sophomore classes, only ten have won H's (four of them in major sports), although "these scholarships almost exactly fit the boys we want."

Bright's letter speaks warmly of last year's Princeton football team as "a tribute to the thinking that a college man can maintain its academic standards and ways of clean, straightforward aroateor sport, and through the excellence of these principles, produce a team which ranks high with all comers."
