Assault with a dangerous weapon-a beer bottle--and charges of disturbing the peace were racked up against two Business School students yesterday after an early-morning fracas outside the Yard. Delos McNutt 2B and William M. Bauman 2B face charges of assault and disturbing the peace respectively, in Superior Court.
Meanwhile, Patsy L. Nicholas, a Brighton engineer, was nursing a cut scalp in Cambridge City Hospital. Nicholas and a companion were riding in one car at Broadway and Cambridge Streets, while the business school students and an auto salesman were in another. The members of one of the cars--it was not quite clear which-turned a spotlight on the other. All the occupants got out, and in the ensuing argument Nicholas was clouted.
George Baker, an auto salesman with the Business School men, pleaded guilty to wielding the bottle. Baker also is being held to appear before the grand jury.
Judge Arthur. P. Stone '93 commented "This is no way to settle an argument" in East Cambridge District Court yesterday.
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