
Matriarchy Too Much for Binger, Hits Vassar Atmosphere, Gets Out

Dr. Carl Binger '10 resigned Thursday from Vassar's Mellon Foundation saying that the college is dominated by too many female faculty members.

Binger told the college: "I don't believe that a matriarchy provides a wholesome atmosphere in which students are likely to develop satisfactorily." He expressed concern about the "sexual development of undergraduates in an atmosphere of supervision by matriarchy."

Binger has directed the $2,000,000 Mary Conover Mellon Foundation for two years. Its purpose was described by President Sarah Gibson Blanding as "the exploration and encouragement of those conditions in the life of the college that contribute most to mental and emotional health."

Binger said the college had turned down his proposal that its psychiatric and sociological work be put on a full-time basis, similar to the Hygiene Department program at Harvard.

Dr. Henry A. Murray, Jr. '15, professor of Clinical Psychology, and Clyde K. M. Kluckhohn, professor of Anthropology, who are also members of the Conover Foundation, did not attend the meeting Thursday at which Binger resigned, and would not comment on his resignation.
