
Alumni Converge on Yard; Face Monstrous Schedules

Reunioners Can Pick From Tours, Games, Concerts and Parties

Five-hundred fifty-one reunioners from the Class of 1926 checked in yesterday and 678 more are expected to sign up in the Union today before the silver anniversary hoopla gets into full swing. If the anticipated additional 22 also show up later in the week, that will bring the total of celebrants milling around Cambridge to 1251.

Those alumni and families who have already moved into their Yard or House rooms have a full, yea exhausting assortment of activities to keep them busy during the day.

Lunch at Pudding

They can tour the University or see what the undergraduate never sees, historic Boston. They may lunch at the Hasty Pudding at 12:30 p. m. Two hours later, if it's their idea of fun, they can start touring again.

Not until 4:30, with a service in Memorial Church for deceased members of the class, will the reunion officially begin.


The musically inclined or the merely curious will probably head for Symphony Hall in Boston tonight to guzzle cocktails, eat supper, and listen to Arthur Fielder lead the Pops Orchestra. Meanwhile the younger set (ages 10 through 15) will hang around the Union, play games, and watch movies.

Tomorrow the routine starts again with breakfast available at the Union at the unheard of hour of 6:45 a. m. The Union will keep serving until 9 a. m., however.

Buses Leave at 9:15

Buses will start leaving for an all day outing at the seashore at 9:15 a. m. During the course of the day, '26 will have a chance to tour Salem, play soft ball, tour Manchester Harbor, play golf, tennis, and refresh with lunch and cocktails at the Essex Country Club. Meanwhile, the especially youthful will have a picnic at Magnolia Beach.

At 6 p. m., '26 reconvenes for clambake and more drink at Singing Beach. Indeed it will be a great life for those who don't weaken.

Dress throughout today and tomorrow might just as well be informal. The only order that the Class Reunion planners have is warm sweaters for the beach excursion.
