
University Press Will Publish Book On Life, Opinions of Reunion Class

Results of a questionnaire sent to members of the Class of 1926, which holds its 25th reunion during Commencement Week, will be published on June 18 by the Harvard University Press. The book, titled "Harvard 1926: The Life and Opinions of a College Class," is the work of Cornelius DuBois and Charles J. V. Murphy, both members of the class.

The questionnaire, which 61 percent of the class answered, sought options on subjects ranging from the Alger Hiss case to an evaluation of Harvard today. Members of the class were polled on the alterations in their religious beliefs since leaving Harvard, their political convictions, their marital statuses, the progress in their careers and their wives opinions of Harvard men.

DuBois conducted the research for the repot, which was written by Murphy. Edward C. Aswell, who wrote the preface, is a vice president of another publishing firm.
