
Archery, Tennis, Fencing Fulfill Radcliffe Physical Ed. Requirements

Girls Battle Rigid Cut Rules for Two years

Indulgence in some sort of organized gymnastics is required of 'Cliffedwellers twice a week for two years. Many girls find this sort of exercise overly demanding, and fail to fulfill the requirement even in their acphomore years.

Spring favorites among the wide choice of recognized outdoor sports are archery, tennis, fencing, sailing, and baseball, all of which run far behind sunbathing, which does not rate official recognition.

Archery is perhaps the least demanding physically of the prescribed sports, and draws full classes every spring and fall. Targets, set up in front of Moors Hall, are frequently not broad enough to receive all the arrows, making Moors' steps an unpopular lounge during shooting hours.

Folied Again

Fencing is another popular activity, and is offered throughout the year. The return of fencers to the Radcliffe Yard, from their winter's sojourn in the Gym, is a customary indication that spring is just a few weeks away.


Cutting gym classes is a widespread falling, and one which can easily catch up with the "busy" student. Two cuts are allowed each term, but sometimes depend on maintaining a certain average which many girls find impossible.

The Gym Department is unyielding, and a broken leg is a weak excuse for more than two cuts. Injured victims of their own enthusiasm, dying inhabitants of the Health Center, or otherwise disabled girls, must still either make up their cuts or take another term of gym.

Gym "pro" awaits these first-term juniors who have not fulfilled their gym requirements, and deprives them of the privilege of holding some student government offices. Last fall, 34 girls suffered this indictment.

The Annex plays other colleges, usually Jackson and Pembroke, in tenns, basketball, baseball, and volleyball, besides an occasional swimming meet. 'Cliffe-dwellers were victorious in their one baseball-game this season, trouncing an agile Pembroke nine, 12 to 2.
