
Rugby Team Tops Missouri Monkeys 10-5 in Last Game

The ruggers proved too heavy and too experienced for the Missouri Monkeys Saturday as they crushed the visitors, 10 to 5.

The Crimson scored its first touchdown about the middle of the first half on a 30-yard dash through the Missouri backs. John Cotter kicked for the two extra points. The second score came as Doug Purdy and Duncan Robertson dribbled through the Monkeys with Holly Huunewell scoring.

Hunnewell was hurt later in the game and joined another casualty, Jee Sexton, in the med room. Since rugby allows no substitutions, the team played the rest of the game short two men.

The Crimson made one spectacular but unsuccessful bid to score in the second half as George Lee ran down center after a pass from Sam Adams. He was tackled and forced off-field at the goal line.
