
Lowell Entry Rifled In New Crime Wave

The series of petty thefts which has plagued University residents during the last week developed into a major crime wave early yesterday morning when an entire entry of Lowell House was systematically combed and an estimated $500 in cash and valuables stolen.

Besides cleaning B entry the thief or thieves robbed rooms in C and I entries. The cooperates entered the dark end suites and managed to make off with their loot without waking anybody. In some cases they rifled bedrooms where students were sleeping.

Last night neither Cambridge nor University police could report any progress in tracking down the criminals. Students were warned to keep their doors locked and to report promptly any suspicious characters or any pertinent information.

Next to Lowell, Dunster has been hardest hit of the Houses, suffering isolated attacks spread out over the last week. Thefts had previously been reported at the Business School.

Housemaster Gordon M. Fair had earlier posted an official warning to Dunster residents to be on their guard and keep their doors securely locked at all times.
