
Miller, Johnson, Baum Chosen as N.S.A. Delegation

Three students--Alvin H. Baum, Jr. '52, Richard E. Johnson '53, and George W. Miller 3rd '52--have been selected by the Student Council as delegates to the National Students Association convention in Minneapolis this summer.

The Council has already appropriated $200 for expenses.

Meanwhile N.S.A. President Allard K. Lowenstein of the University of Wisconsin defended his organization against chrages by an Illinois congressman that the state's N.S.A chapter is Communist-dominated.

Un-American Maneuvers

Representative Velde (R.Ill.) stated that Communists "through their treacherous and un-American maneuvers have been able to place Communists and Communist sympathizers in control over many student organizations on the Roosevelt College and University of Chicago campuses."


"Through their control of these two chapters, they have in turn gained control of the offices and policies of the Illinois chapter of the N.S.A."

Lowenstein replied that N.S.A. representatives are democratically elected by the various student bodies.

Earlier this spring Bradley University withdrew from N.S.A., charging Communist domination.
