
Schedule Set For '51 Class Week Hoop-la

Senior Spread, Yard Concert, Buffet Supper, Speeches, To Highlight June Activities

A tentative schedule for the largest senior Class Week since the war was released by Robert P. Hyde '51 last night. Hyde, chairman of the Class Day Committee, said that tickets for the week's activities would go on sale Thursday, May 10th.

These functions will be open to all members of the Class of 1951, whether they are graduating in June or not, and to all men from other classes who will receive their diplomas at this commencement. Parents, dates, and friends of these men are invited.

First event of the week will be the traditional Baccalaureate Service at Memorial Church on June 17. President Conant will speak at the service. June 18th will bring the Senior Spread, to be held outdoors this year in the Eliot House quadrangle. Including a formal dance and a buffet supper, the Senior Spread runs from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. and usually brings a relaxation of parietal rules for seniors.

Special Night

On Tuesday, June 19, the Class of '51 will hold its traditional afternoon Class Day exercises in the Sever Quadrangle, featuring addresses by members of the class and a special guest speaker. Final arrangements for Tuesday night's activity have not yet been made, but Hyde promised that it would be "something special."


June 20 will offer Seniors a beer party and a class march to Soldiers Field in the afternoon prior to the Yale baseball game, buffet supper in the Eliot Quad, a Band and Glee Club concert in the Yard, and an informal dance, also outdoors at Eliot, from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.
