
Alumni Clubs Will Gather in Illinois Today

Will Map Schools Committee's Course, Confer on Far East, View March of Time Movie

Alumni from all over the nation will converge on Chicago today for the 1951 convention of the Associated Harvard Clubs. The sessions will include talks on the Schools and Scholarship Committee, a debate on U.S. Far Eastern policy, and the premiere of the March of Time movie about Harvard.

Immediately following registration today, four University administrators will discuss problems of the Harvard Clubs' Schools and Scholarships Committees. Dean Bender, Richard M. Gummere '07, director of Admissions, F. Skiddy von Stade, Jr. '38, director of Scholarships, and John U. Monro '34, director of the Financial Aid Center, will represent the College at the meeting.

President Conant will moderate the forum on Far Eastern policy in the evening. Opposing each other are John K. Fairbank '29, professor of History, and William Yandell Elliott, Williams Professor of History.

Saturday morning will be filled with the annual A.H.C. business meeting, followed by luncheon in the Hotel Sherman. At this banquet Alumni Association President Roy E. Larsen '21, editor of Time Magazine, will introduce the first showing of the movie about Harvard just completed by the March of Time.

Saturday afternoon, Provost Buck will chair a session on the "Undergraduate at Harvard in 1951." Meanwhile Law, Business, Medical, and Engineering graduates will hold their own meetings.


President Conant speaks at the annual dinner Saturday evening, and Sunday is earmarked for informal outings.
