
Money-Hungry Yale Students Now Turn from Books to Bookmaking

Student bookies have replaced organized gamblers as the principal betting outlet for Yale men, a recent Daily News report indicated.

Police pressure has forced a temporary shutdown on local bookie parlers, so the man with the few extra bob must now place his bets with the fellow in the next room.

Unhampered by any official molestation's, large card games draw big nightly crowds. Football pools--in season--are also popular, the News said. These center around a junior in Silliman College, whose bookie father phones him advice weekly from New York.

In one room which specializes in high powered cared games, a $400 IOU--paid--holds an honored place on the mantel.

Betting on horses provides several Yalies with a substantial, if somewhat unsteady, supply of pocket money. A Calhoun College sophomore will back all all bets--up to $200--except daily doubles. They report clearing upwards of $400 in one day.


Yale men are apparently unable to resist the lure of the quick buck: author last year removed 30 slot machines from dormitory hiding places.
