
18 Students Here Receive Fulbright Grants for Study Abroad in 1951-52

A preliminary announcement of Fulbright scholarships for study abroad next year yesterday showed that 18 Harvard students have received grants so far. About twice this number of students here is expected to win Fulbrights by the time of the final announcement.

Yesterday's awards went to four seniors, 13 graduate students, and one Nieman Fellow.

The seniors are: Stanton A. Cook, Charles F. Gallagher, William R., Sherwood, and Franklin C. Southworth.

The others are: Sydney E. Ahleirom 5G, Harold Amos 4G, Rufus A. Blanshard 5G, James S. Coleman 4G, Edward L. Daugherty 3G, James H. Eliott 3G, Deno J. Geanakoplos 5G.

Also, William H. Kagdis 2G, and Richard W. Lyman 4G, Donald S. Marshall 1G, Pinkney L. Near 1G, Charles C. Rich 4G, Grover L. Rogers 2G.


Angus M. Thuermer is the Nieman Fellow named.

Applications are now available for next year's Fulbright awards; completed applications are due before October 15 of this year.
