
Tots Will Attend Nursery Classes Here Next Year

Next year, over 100 fees four, and five year olds will enter University, it was learned last night.

A nursery school, run since the war for children of veterans, will be taken over next fall by the Graduate School of Education.

This Junior branch will be open to the children of students, faculty members, and Cambridge residents. While some financial support will come from the School of Education, present tuition charges will have to be increased, as the University is unable to continue subsidizing the school.

Child Development

Francis Keppel, Dean of the School of Education, said that the demonstration nursery school will be used to carry on studies of the social and personality development of the children. Students in the school of Education have been using the veteran's nursery school for these purposes, unofficially, for some time.


Supervising the studies will be Robert R. Sears, professor of Education and Child Psychology.

University officials said that the veteran population here has slacked to the point where special aid to veterans and their families is no longer necessary.
