
Seven Out of '51 Gain Fellowship For Work Abroad

Seven seniors received foreign study fellowships, Dean Bender announced yesterday. They are Richard William Murphy, James Parks Morton, Carl Borromeo Schmitt, Jr., Ariel Charles Zemach, Samuel Coles butler, Thomas Edward Weesner, and Richard Manning white.

Murphy received the Lionel de Jersey Harvard Studentship for study at Emmanuel Collge, Cambridge, England. He is a graduate of Exeter and is majoring in History and Literature.

Henry Fisk Award

Morton won the Lieutenant Charles Henry Fiske III Scholarship, providing for year's study at Trinity College, Cambridge England. Also an Exeter Graduate, Morton is a Fine Arts major.

Schmitt, a member of Phi Betta Kappa, received the Augustus Clifford Tower Fellowship for a year of study in a French university. He is a History major and a graduate of New Canaan High School, New Canaan, Connecticut.


The Henry Russell Shaw Travelling Fellowship went to Zemach, also a Phi Betta Kappa member. He is a graduate of New York's Stuyvesant High School and a Physics major.

Sheldon Felowships

The other three seniors received Frederick Sheldon Prize Fellowships for foreign travel. Butler, a National Scholar is a graduate of Culver Military Academy and an Economics major.

Weesner, a History and Literature major, is a member of Phi Betta Kappa and a National Scholar. He was graduated from Wabash High School, Wabash, Indiana. and white, also a National Scholar, is from Denver, Colorado, and an Engineering Sciences concentrator.
