New officers were elected by the Liberal Union last night at a meeting in the Leverett Junior common room. They are:
Walter C. Carrington '52, president: John T. White '52, vice-president; Robert E. Spindle '52, secretary; Robert Langston '53, treasurer; Gerald Levinson '53, political action committee; M. Joel Mandelbaum '53, Harvard affairs committee.
Also, Paul M. Levine '54, public relations director; Emile Broadwin '54, membership chairman; Milton C. Schlein '53, film series chairman; C. William Chastain '52, Milton S. Gwirtzman '54, and Robert Rosenman '53, members at large.
Following the election a member and ex-executive of the Liberal Union charged the organization with "machine politics" and unfair limitation of debate.
LeRoy W. Huntington '53 made the accusations and retracted them shortly after as "made in the heat of anger."
Before Huntington's retraction, the newly-elected president and secretary of the Liberal Union labeled the accusations "untrue" and "clearly unfounded."
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Overseers' Oversight