
Buck encourages Plans for Erection of Theatre

Provost Predicts Corporation's Approval If full Endowment Were Offered for Project

University Hall yesterday gave its first official encouragement to proponents of a theatre.

Provost Buck believes that the Corporation would consider constructing a theatre building if a "full endowment" were offered for a project which would be a "teaching tool and not merely an element of applied education."

Buck made this statement to several members of the Student Council, according to Council President Richard M. Sandler '52.

Archibald MacLeish, Boylston Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory, has suggested a "Public Arts" building, which would include facilities for experimental an other work in the fields of radio, television, motion pictures, and drama. The Student Council Theatre Committee recently endorsed MacLeish's proposal.

The Corporation would not like a repetition of the difficulty encountered when the Houses were built. at that time money for the Houses was made available, but there was no endowment provided for their maintenance.


The Corporation in this case would ask a fund sufficient for the maintenance as well as the erection of the building.

When asked, "would a theatre including a workshop and radio studios, but not an auditorium, fit into the Harvard community?" Buck replied that it would. He emphasized that the theatre would have to be used for educational purposes as well as for extra-curricular activities.

In reference to the educational values that would be offered by an equipped theatre, Buck cited the MacLeish proposals.

Buck did not indicate whether he personally favors the establishment of a theatre. He added that a committee from the Overseers and the Corporation would probably have to investigate then.

Buck's answers were to questions prepared by Warren Brody '52, chairman of the Theatre Committee.
