
Clocker, Friend Work on Hoop Race

WELLESLEY, Mass., April 30 (ARF)--So listen. I'm up here at this little old Waban oval, taking a day leave from the Downs, and I gotta report that they look good, these fillies, and ready.

Ya know, the race goes off at 7:30 this morning, the crack a dawn, and the place is really jumping already. Over at the stables last night there was a lotta activity, what with dolls lining up guys in case they cop the classic today, and I even hear one young one say something about "doggin'" it.

Me? while I was on the rail, Watching Deitsch (7-2), Tortenson (4-I), and Edge (S-2) working the course, my friend Terror Mike was casing this McKinley nag. Mike says she took the High Jump back in Sheboygan, and that she says she's very limber. But Mike says to me, "Clocker," he says, "Who ever saw a doll who could race?"

So I says, "Who." And he says, "Not me, Clocker, not me."

You have to excuse Mike because he's only six years old and doesn't know too much yet.


Anyhow I stick with Deitseh. On from If a girl's gut it, she's got it, I guess.
