
Draft Deferment Forms Out Soon

By Thursday every draft board will have special Selective Service forms for students who wish to take the draft determent last. Since the President's executive order automatically defers all graduate students in all fields, only men in the College need contact their local boards.

The order defers men in two categories: 1.) those who make a score of 70 on the test or 75 if they are seniors and want to go on to graduate work; 2.) freshmen who are in the top 50 percent of their class at the end of the College year, sophomores in the upper two-thirds, juniors in the upper three quarters, and seniors who are in the upper half who are entering graduate school.

If a man is in the proper percentage of the class he can be deferred regardless of his score on the test and whether he takes the test or not, as he can be deferred on his test grade without reference to his class standing. However, this order was promulgated under the Selective Service Act now on the books and therefore, like all orders under that Act, is not binding on local boards.

That is, the President can only recommend and advise local boards to defer men along these lines. He cannot force them to comply. Thus, some draft boards have refused to grant 2-A classification deferments although the President specifically allowed them to take such action as regards men in the top half of their class.

Men who want to take the test must do the following things:


1.) Write directly to their local boards requesting Selective Service forms 104 and 107, which are two attached cards.

2.) On receipt of the form, they must fill out the cards, listing their choice of date (May 26, June 16, and June 30) and the number and place of center at which they wish to take the exam, then mail the form as requested. Harvard men may take it here at the University and would thus normally list "469, Cambridge, Harvard University."

3.) Appear at the proper center with the card which will be mailed to them, be finger-printed, and take the test, results of which will be forwarded to the local board of the registrant. The test may be taken only once.

Given by Princeton Group

This examination, made up by the Educational Testing Service at Princeton, New Jersey, will be on the order of the College Board tests prepared by the same group. It will test aptitude rather than actual learning, so studying will do little good. Questions will be followed by a choice of answers one of which is to be checked, as on the College Boards. Theoretically, no preparation is needed beyond that necessary for high school graduation.
