
Increase Seen In School Size This Summer

Freshmen Will Receive Makeup R.O.T.C. Free If Taken With Two Additional Half Courses

More students than has been usual in past years are inquiring for advance information about the Summer School at its offices in Weld Hall, and many of these ask whether school attendance during the vacation will mean deferment until the regular fall session, the CRIMSON learned last night.

Others wish to complete as much of their College work as possible before entering the armed forces, and as a result the enrollment at the Summer School is expected to increase considerably over last year's 1,300 from Harvard and Radcliffe.

It was also revealed that freshmen who entered the R.O.T.C. unit here at midyear will not be charged for taking Military Science 1a in Summer School if they take an additional two half courses.

This is analogous to the regular College system, in which Military Science is given free if taken as a fifth course.

Advance registration for the Summer School will take place May 2 and 3 in Memorial Hall. Director William Yandell Eliott, Leroy B. Williams Professor of Political Sciences, has announced that 165 courses will be offered.
