
Capp Hits Movies, TV At Ivy Films Meeting

Al Capp has little hopes for improved quality in radio, movies, or television, he told Ivy Films' men yesterday. Capp met the group for a sherry hour in Eliot Junior Common Room.

Because of the pressure to sell their product, he said, these industries can't take time to educate the public to like better entertainment. Capp thinks the public would learn to like better movies and programs if it had a chance to hear and see them. Movies, radio, and television would go bankrupt before they could complete this education, he said.

Capp cited Charlie Chaplin as the master of the movie art. Since Chaplin proceed his own movies, Capp said, he could create art without considering the whims of a backer.

Mr. Capp is the creator of the "L'il Abner" cartoon strip, and is a frequent lecturer here.
