
Crimson Jayvee Eight Races M.I.T.; '54 Takes On Terriers, Tech Today

The Charles River Basin will be the scene of its second crew regatta in three days this afternoon when the Crimson jayvee and freshman eights open their seasons. M.I.T.'s junior varsity and the B.U. and Tech freshmen will provide the opposition in the two races over the mile and three-quarter distance. The freshman race begins at 4:30 and the J.V. at 5 p.m.

B.U., Tech Freshmen Strong

Tom Bolles' junior varsity was originally scheduled to compete in a three-crew regatta, but because of lack of men B.U. will not be able to produce a boat. The Crimson eight, which has held its J.V. position over the third boat all season, is favored to win.

Both the Terriers and Engineers are expected to give Harvey Love's freshmen a good fight. Last year the '53 crew came is second to B.U. in its first race for its only loss of the season. Later on the Yardlings beat the Terriers. Love's boat averages 179 pounds and 6 feet 3 inches.

The junior varsity boating: bow, Bob, Webb; 2, Ken Keniston; 3, Cal Dickinson; 4, Link Boyden; 5, Al Rieselbach; 6, Buffy Bohlen; 7, Frank Peal; stroke, Art Rouner; coxswain, George Walker.


The freshman boating: bow, Charlie Higginson; 2, Bob Terry; 3, John Higgins; 4, George Kinell; 5, Dick Higgins; 6, Tom Hagort; 7, Tom, Peterson; stroke, Larry Brownell; coxswain, Dick Mann.
