
Lowell Thomas in Broadcast Lauds 'Monitor" Crusade

News commentator Lowell Thomas told his radio audience last night that "the CRIMSON and American Students for Raising the Monitor should be commended" for their patriotic efforts.

In a coast-to coast broadcast, Thomas said that the campaign to salvage the historic vessel was a praiseworthy one. The former professor of Oratory at Kent College of Law also recited two stanzas of "Old Ironclad," the poem by Stephen O. Saxe '51 and Andrew E. Norman '51, which first appeared in last Saturday's CRIMSON.

Saxe, at campaign headquarters in Cambridge, announced that the name of the organization had been officially changed to "American Patriots for Raising the Monitor." Meanwhile, Norman flew to Washington, D.C., last night to confer with Navy Department officials about salvaging the famed ironclad.

As Norman stepped into his Washington-destined plane, he waved and declared, "Remember the Maine--I mean Monitor!"
