
Deacons Led Elephants for House Trophy

Kirkland House seems to be headed for its second straight Straus Trophy according to the latest intramural standings. Last year's champions are 100 points ahead of their nearest rival, Eliot, now that the results of all the fall and winter intramural sports have been totalled up.

Winter sports are the Deacons' forte, the standings show. During the cold months they bypassed both Eliot and Lowell who were ahead of them at the end of the fall schedule. Kirkland swept both basketball leagues, also won swimming, volleyball, wrestling, and fencing, and tied with Leverett for first place in boxing.

This leaves only hockey and squash. Dudley had the best ice squad, while Adams won both the "A" and "B" league squash championships and came in second to Lowell in the "C" league.

After Eliot in the Overall standings follow Lowell, Adams, Leverett, Winthrop, Dunster, and Dudley in that order. Kirkland now has a total of 927.5 points over the year, almost twice as many as Dudley, which is in last place with 480.

Statistics on participation in sports show that basketball drew the most players, 280, to 120 games. Squash was second in the number of entires for winter sports. Squash players engaged in 590 individual matches in 128 intra-House contests.


The intramural tally also shows that the Crimson intramural athletes lost every time they played the Yale college champions.
