
Vassar Student Government Association Massive, Unique

Bureaucracy Rampant

It was Founder's Day, March 22, 1947. The huge gathering of Vassar students was hushed and all that could be heard was the scratching of Sarah Blanding's pen as the signing of the present student constitution was completed. Undergraduates and alumnae rejoiced that day for after 75 years of inept student government, Vassar College had finally come up with a clear, workable foundation for the College Government Association.

The March 22 Agreement is unique for a college in that it is an "Agreement between the Faculty and Students of Vassar College," signed by representatives of both parties.

Included in its articles is a carefully outlined set of jurisdiction rules, stating precisely which group has jurisdiction on all disputable issues. In sphere One, where the faculty, the educational and business administrations have complete control, items such as "rules and regulations concerning the degree," the curriculum," and "public relations" are listed.

Citizenship: Joint Control

In the second sphere, that in which students have exclusive control, the organized extra-curricular activities and their budgetary control are included. A third, joint control sphere is concerned with the "obligations attendant upon the opening and closing of college and calendar days," and the broad question of "Vassar citizenship."


Within this framework the three branches of constitutional government operate, the executive, the legislative, and the judicial, and the system is as complete as that of the United States.

The Senate meets on all matters requiring joint jurisdiction, and has six faculty members elected by the faculty to serve for three years periods, two retiring each year, as well as six popularly elected student senators.

All student members of the Senate are also members of the larger Legislative Assembly, the group that deals with matters of exclusive student control. Their numbers are supplemented by organizational representatives and house representatives, one for every 30 students.

Advice is Almost Law

In the Judicial Division, the administrative duties are divided between the Chief Justice, who presides over the main court, and the Associate Justice, who handles the House Courts. Cases tried in the House Courts have the right of appeal, and although the main court may not suspend or expel students directly, its recommendations to the president of the college are carried out almost without exception.

The Safety court is under the joint jurisdiction of the Judicial branch and the Department of Public Safety (police department). This body sits on such matters as traffic violations by bicycle drivers. The grounds are policed by the patrolwomen of the Safety Department.

Special Procedures

The students, as members of the government have power of recall and referendum, and amendments may be made through the Legislation Assembly. To become effective, an amendment must be passed by two thirds of the vote cast by the faculty and by two thirds of the vote cast by the students.

In addition to this prerogative, a meeting of the Association may be called by a petition of ten percent of the undergraduates.
