
Trib Says 'Pinks' Flourishing Here In Political Clubs

"Reds and Pinks" transmit their "alien ideas" through student political organizations here, the Chicago Tribune charged Tuesday. The article called the Liberal Union "strongly socialist," and described the Young Republicans Club as "internationalist."

In a rundown on the University's political groups, Tribune columnist William Fulton quoted students as saying the John Reed Society had gone underground. The society ceased operations this year.

Fulton said that Communists are in hiding among the student body. He quoted Earl M. Kulp '52, presented of the Young Republican Club as saying, "I know a student who rooms with a couple of Communists."

Kulp said last night that he had been misquoted. He said he told the Tribune reporter that the students in question had graduated a long time ago.

Sally Rand also figured is the Tribune story. Charging leftist activity among students, Fulton told how the fan dancer's speech against Communism gad been heckled at this year's Freshman Smoker.


Students tend to minimize the danger of Communism, Fulton said, by talking of "academic freedom." "liberalism." and "civil liberties."

He stated the radical groups have an easy time here because they can get University sanction merely by registering ten names with the Dean's Office.
