
Rules and the Council

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

Although the issue of Rules has been discussed ad nauseam, a clearer statement of the Student Council's views is needed.

We have always objected to paternalism as a principle; we still do. To mount the White Charger, however, calling the Deans names and accusing them of acting in bad faith, is at best naive; certainly it will not put an end to paternalism.

More important than this somewhat academic question is the current danger to students' basic rights. There is one rule, that requiring membership lists, which presents a clear threat to our political freedom--witness the "deactivation" of the John Reed Club. The Council will continue to fight this rule with every possible resource.

The rules which we did let pass this time were basically those which stated the University's obvious right to protect its tax exempt status and its "good name." A little careful thought will show that the University cannot afford to surrender these rights.


Rather than take a dogmatic and futile stand on these issues, we prefer to concentrate all our force on the membership list rule. Richard M. Sandler, President   Harvard Student Council
