John B. Harrington 2L was last night elected president of the H.Y.R.C. for the coming year. Other officers chosen were: Roger A. Moore '53, vice-president; Allan B. Calhamer '53, secretary; Edmund R. Schroeder '53, treasurer; Nicholas J. Coolidge '54, Operations Director; Theodore J. Horvath 2L, Charles B. Bond '54, Earl M. Kulp '52, and Raymond A. Reister '52, members at large on the planning committee.
Lauds Kefauver
The H.Y.R.C. also passed a resolution commending Senators Fulbright, Tobey, Kofauver, Wiley, and O'Connor for their work in exposing crime throughout the United States. The junior G.O.P.ers also favored more telecasting of Congressional hearings to make the public more aware of crime in politics.
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