
A.F.L. Encounters Snags Setting Up Local Branch, Sullivan Admits

A.F.L. officials confessed yesterday that they were "having a little trouble" organizing a local branch among the maids and maintenance here. Edward T. Sullivan, union secretary, said it "will take a little more time than we expected."

Sullivan feels that the University employees who asked the A.F.L. to step in and organize, merely wanted to scare Mulvihill into satisfying their grievances.

"As far as we can see," continued Sullivan, "he's been going out of his way lately to make friends. Many men who were for us have withdrawn support because they say Mulvihill is now helping them."

The A.F.L. secretary claims that Mulvihill is trying to ingratiate himself with employees by handing out favors.

A.F.L. Wants Janitors


If the A.F.L. can get the men, it feels it will have no trouble making the maids swing over. "Some of them, though," said Sullivan, "have called me to say their House superintendents have threatened to give them added work if they do switch unions."

He concluded that maids here, who now make 87 cents an hour, should be earning at least $1.
