
Wrestlers, Four Squash Players Vie

Foster, Clark, Nawn, Ufford Go to Williams For Intercollegiate Squash Tournament

The top four men on the Crimson's national and Intercollegiate champion squash team will play this weekend at Williams in the intercollegiate singles tournament. First-round play gets underway today on the Ephmen's courts.

Captain Henry Foster, Hugh Nawn, Charley Ufford, and Joe Clark will represent the squash team at the tourney. Both Nawn and Ufford are undefeated this season in intercollegiate play, while Foster and Clark have lost only once. Foster, who was weakened by flu when he lost to Bill Smith of Amherst two weeks ago, is favored to win.

Each of the team's top three men has won an individual tourney during the season. Foster won the University Club's Invitation Intercollegiate Tournament in New York in December, and Nawn took the Montreal Athletic Association Invitation tourney the same month. Ufford gained the Harvard Club Invitation crown.

The varsity 'B' team, 'B' League leaders, blanked the Boston Y.M.C.A. yesterday, 5 to 0, on the losers' courts.
